Contact information

The Netherlands:


Jan van Zutphenstraat 203
1069 RR  Amsterdam
The Netherlands

+31 (0)6 520 120 53



Boulevard de los Musicos
18 Bloque II Local / 03581
Playa del Albir / Spain

+34 (0)966 866 883

Postal service

It is possible to have your dental gold sent to us. If you would like to make use of this option, you can request a FREE shipping package.

A pre-paid and insured shipping package will be sent to you within five working days.   Upon receipt of your package at one of our locations, we will contact you through e-mail and phone to confirm the gross weight of the material and the possibly agreed ‘advance payment’. If you agree, this advance payment is made directly to you. This procedure is as precise and safe as our work in the refinery.

Please use the contact form to request the pre-paid shipping packet.